Monday, July 9, 2012

Not knowing where to start....


So i guess it just start here? ....for those who used to follow my previous blog, i know it all just disappeared, Im sorry.......for those who "follow" my facebook, well they know why...

Last year my life.... as I certainly knew it for 15yrs exploded.....:(

Now id love to say 8-9 months down the track im doing high 5ing fine... truth is, im not....
not yet....
probably not even really close some days......
Ive endured one crazy battle after the other, laughed, cried & vomitted along the way...
truth is last yr feels like 10 yrs ago.
And man have i given my FB friends stuff to read about!!!!
Ive just yet indured yet what feels like another "shift" in last 48hrs....
& now Ive just really gone "stuff it, perhaps i should just let it rip via blog once again".....
My blog has always included life stuff & i know some people hate that, un-proffesional some say....
but you know what......
 Im dead set seriously over pleasing people & worrying what people may think...

I just want to write again, about what ever the hell I really want too.....ive hd a couple of therapists now, but im kind sick of that atm, so im thinking " hey cheap therapy too!!! "..... plus my close friends (god love em) have seriously delt with so many of my crazy ramblings,
I do need to free them up abit......
There will be swearing here & there....because in person & in my head I do right now......sorry.
Im also going to be talking about some pretty massive life things...... love, sex, religion, depression, anger, fun & crazyness.... sometimes personal , other times what I see happening around me.
I guess Im declaring my mind OPEN....

Im still going to share creations & projects, alot actually....... this blog i hope will help with that some how..... push me along?... truth is since the explosion of my life Ive actually struggled to create at all..... I think about it so much though....
Im still a mum of 3 children ( i havent miss-placed any so far)... a very single mum now though :(..... So there will be alot of talk about life with that..... & the ups & downs of raising the 3.
along with my growing pet numbers....
Really in all honesty my latest drama has left me thinking I can only do one of two things now....

1. Curl up & some how cease to exsist....
2. some how "get my awesome on"........

Ive obviously chosen 2.
I have no idea where to start even finding awesome again.... but deeply know as crazy bad as things have gotten...

~ Sal.

1 comment:

  1. Sal, I know there is an abundance of AWESOME going on in there that it's bound to leak out somewhere without any say so from you whatsoever. GO girl!
